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2023.1.0524 Version Updates - Available Now

The latest updates for PyroSim, Pathfinder, and Results are available now. View the Release Notes to download and see the full details, or read on for a quick look at what's new.

Stability and performance improvements included in 2023.1.0524

This release provides stability and performance improvements which address issues discovered in the past release.

PyroSim Improvements for PyroSim

  • Fixed a bug that would cause unparseable number errors in international versions
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using high DPI monitors
  • Fixed a bug that restricted certain characters from Scenario names
  • Fixed a bug that could occur if the user entered an empty mass fraction in the lumped species editor
  • Fixed a bug that could lock lumped species to using lumped_component_only, even if it was disabled
  • Fixed a bug caused by pasting some types of General Surface records
  • Fixed some broken http references

Pathfinder Improvements for Pathfinder

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash if the user created an Occupant Source with no valid intervals
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Attractor usage to be too high when an Occupant has different susceptibility for idling and seeking
  • Fixed a bug that would cause unparseable number errors in international versions
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when using high DPI monitors

New features included in 2023.1.0426

The information below has been presented to highlight new features in the previous 2023.1 release, for which this release supports with the above fixes.

The latest updates for PyroSim, Pathfinder, and Results are available now. View the Release Notes to download and see the full details, or read on for a quick look at what's new.

PyroSim New FDS 6.8.0 support

PyroSim has increased support for new additions in upcoming FDS releases. We have worked with the team at NIST to prepare PyroSim for this new functionality as they continue development towards FDS 7. Here are some of the upcoming additions:

3D Heat transfer
The 3D heat transfer feature is demonstrated on a steel assembly exposed to a small hot object. Source: FDS User Manual
  • Problematic void pressure zone identification and filling
  • Multiple simple chemistry reactions
  • HVAC waypoints
  • HVAC visualization in Results
  • A new surface type for the 3D heat transfer feature in FDS
  • A redesigned FDS species library interface to accommodate an increase from 30 to roughly 350 species

PyroSimPathfinder Increased interface consistency

PyroSim, Pathfinder, and Results will all look and feel more similar to each other in 2023.1. For the upcoming release, we have prioritized resolving many differences between these applications and how users interact with them. Switching between the various interfaces should now feel more familiar.

Increased interface consistency in 2023.1
Among the changes included are geometry render options selection (wireframe, solid, realistic, etc.), orthographic camera view selection, floor selection, and various action naming changes for consistency.

Pathfinder General-purpose elevators

Now in Pathfinder 2023.1 it is possible to create a new type of elevator which suits general-purpose needs. Previously, it was only possible to model elevators in an evacuation mode which delivered all riders to the discharge floor for safe evacuation. SCAN, the new type of elevator available in Pathfinder, allows occupants to use elevators for travel to and from any valid floor - suitable for ingress modeling.

By selecting SCAN from the Type dropdown menu, an elevator will follow this new algorithm. If an occupant calls an elevator to travel upward, it will stop at intermediary floors and pick up additional occupants who are traveling upward. Once it has no more upward requests, it will wait for the next call in either direction. Occupants will automatically use an elevator if it is the only or most efficient path to their destination. It is also possible to specify the existing Goto Elevator Behavior action for a specific floor.

Pathfinder Plot object output data

Results offers the ability to select objects such as rooms, doors, or occupants and plot their output quantities. This makes it quicker and easier to access results data.

Plot door output data
A door's flow rate plot is displayed from a right-click selection.

Depending on the object type selected, a right-click menu will display appropriate plot options. Multiple objects of the same type can be simultaneously selected and plotted together. With detailed occupant CSV output enabled, there are new plots available including distance, speed, time to exit, and FED (with provided relevant FDS output).

Plot occupant output data
An occupant is selected and its X-axis position is plotted over time.

In order to support these new features, the _rooms.csv and _doors.csv files have a new format. The plot window includes an Export Data action from the File menu.

Pathfinder Improved 3D room drawing

When drawing new rooms with the 3D camera enabled, dashed projection lines will ensure your points snap where you expect. This is useful when using geometry on a different floor as a guide.

Improved 3D room drawing
By activing the 3.0m floor while using the 0.0m floor as a reference, it is simple to draw new rooms.

When using the cursor to snap to existing geometry points, the dashed lines will display the projection onto the active drawing plane. This works with both the polygonal and rectangular room tools.

If you have feedback on how you'd like to see our software improve, tell us!