2020.5 Release - Available Now
Our latest updates for PyroSim, Pathfinder, and Results are available now. View our Release Notes to download and see the full details, or read on for a quick look at what's new.
Improved Monte Carlo Randomization and Help
A new method for randomizing occupant position has replaced the previous implementation. This adds more user control over the occupants' room placement. Additionally, a help command now provides instruction to the user upon request. Learn more about Monte Carlo in Pathfinder in this feature preview.

Visual Improvements
To provide more realistic, professional, and detailed presentations, Results 2020.5 incorporates a trio of new graphical enhancements. This includes ambient lit smoke, ambient occlusion for object/occupant shadows, and motion blur. See these improvements in the following video or read the full details in this feature preview.
Holes are Hidden when Disabled
Now when you disable a hole in PyroSim, perhaps in combination with the recent Scenarios feature, these holes are properly hidden from the 3D or 2D display.

New Preference for Digits of Precision in Dimensions
The Dimensions feature was added to Results to provide a way to add visual measurements to a 3D model display. Users may want to shorten the number of digits displayed after a decimal separator when displaying digits to remove visual clutter. Or conversely, users may want to display more digits to show precision. Either preference is now available.

Improved CSV Performance
We added the ability to import CSV files to Results 2020.4 for directly viewing PyroSim and Pathfinder output. Some CSV files such as the Pathfinder doors output can include thousands of columns on large models. We have improved the loading performance to accommodate these big datasets.

If you have feedback on how you'd like to see our software improve, tell us! Email us at support@thunderheadeng.com with your wishlist.